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Admission procedure

Admission in Grade I to X 

Form: Forms will be available online and offline (school office)

Guidelines For admission:

  1. Print and download the application form from the website and submit in the office.
  2. Parents /Guardians are to fill up the child details.
  3. A sum of ₹500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) will have to be paid at the time of the form submission (non-refundable).
  4. Entrance Test will be conducted for the Child, based on his/her performance will be admit to school.







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Rajeshwari Karuna School Tuli presume in crossing over any distance barrier between the area of the school and the area of the residence (living outside the school hostel) of the students by offering secured transportation facility. The school has two buses and a winger for transporting the student’s and the

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