
Vision and Mission

Motto: “Building the future learning for life” We envision an educational system that equips all students with the intellectual, emotional, social habits and skills to become powerful and informed citizens who contribute actively toward a democratic and equitable society. We envision an all-round development through innovative and quality education. To equip the students with all …

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Sport participation in the school environment provides many benefits in terms of physical fitness, health benefits, cognitive development, personal wellbeing, and social integration. As such, the school emphasizes on the physical stability of the students by encouraging the students to take morning and evening exercises and also provides a wide range of sport opportunities such …

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Fee Structure

Fees and withdrawal policy: Fees once paid are not refundable under any circumstances. Payment of fees shall be made on or before 10th of every month. Late fee of Rs. 100/- per day is applicable on delay beyond the last date of payment. Students whose fees fall into arrears are liable to be debarred from …

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