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Sport participation in the school environment provides many benefits in terms of physical fitness, health benefits, cognitive development, personal wellbeing, and social integration. As such, the school emphasizes on the physical stability of the students by encouraging the students to take morning and evening exercises and also provides a wide

Remedial classes

To enhance the learning outcome of the students, the school provides remedial classes like personalized tuitions and coaching classes.

Music class

Music not only soothsayer the spirit, but also transforms the total outlook and personality of human beings. Music is one of the prime importance as part of the school curriculum of RajeshwariKaruna School. Students are taught music as a subject from grade 5-10. The main objective of the music class

Computer Lab

The Rajeshwari Karuna School Tuli Computer lab has adequate computer lab facilities where all students have free access to the systems to do their assignment and learn how to monitor at anytime apart from the regular classroom teaching. The computer facilities are an integral part of the school curriculum thus,


The Rajeshwari Karuna School Tuli library, strives to offer outstanding service by providing and organizing a wide range of book which can be accessible by the students to retain information from various field. The Library is the heart and soul of an educational institution. Teaching, Learning, Exploration all happens under


The Rajeshwari Karuna School promotes new options for pupil’s all-around development. The auditorium is a crucial component of our school’s infrastructure. This large hall has served as the platform for our students who have demonstrated their talent in one-act plays, music competitions, dance competitions, and a variety of other fun-filled


‘Knowledge in art is an apprenticeship that starts from the observation of a work of art, reading and artistic practice.’ The school maintains a permanent art museum which also serves as a part of the school curriculum. Museum education was introduced to ensure the preservation of cultural identity and continue

Science Lab

The Rajeshwari Karuna School Tuli, Science lab has well equipped laboratories for the students to learn and understand the Science concept through practically. Every year the school science labs are furnished with latest instruments, charts, tools etc. The school science laboratory has adequate equipment for different disciplines of science ranging

Smart class

In this contemporary world the need of technology has been increasing day by day, digitization is now not only a way toward advanced scientific developments, but it is a mandatory need when it comes to sustainable development. To keep up with the current pace of learning, the school provides advance