Home / Testimonies / Hazarat Adam TEACHER (Mathematics)

Hazarat Adam TEACHER (Mathematics)

Some people’s work is visible while other’s goes unseen. A teacher’s life is very similar to that of a duck. The duck keeps paddling relentlessly underneath the water but appears smooth and calm on the top. The above comparison is just to convey how much effort it takes to be a teacher.

School is a sacred place where we happen to meet individuals, some of whom we get close for our entire lives. But for this to happen, the environment of the school should be such that it binds us all together in the same strands. There are probably not many places in the world where I could have made equivalent experience like in RKS. Choosing to teach at RKS has been one of the best career decisions so far. Here at RKS, I have witnessed a very dedicated group of teachers. Some teachers arrive at the crack of dawn and others stay until the sun goes down. They all seem to have the same objective to give the best possible education to the students so they can succeed.

I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity as I see myself learning and growing in a positive environment. Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and working at RKS is no different. I wish to express my gratitude to all my colleagues and the school administration. May you all be proud of the work you do, the person you are and the difference you make.


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